Renewable Energy in Portugal
The Portuguese market offers favourable conditions for investors in the field of Renewable Energies.
At the end of September 2010 the installed capability of Renewable Energy reached 9.374 MW.
The electrical power produced by Renewable Energy sources increased from January to September by 71% (compared to same period in 2009) up to 21,2 TWh.
The capability of Wind Energy reached in September 2010 a total of 3.841 MW, that derives from 206 Wind Farms and 2006 Wind Turbines. Most Wind Farms are located in the North of the country.
38% of the Wind Farms dispose of a capacity equal to or less than 25 MW. The remaining 62% are Wind Farms with a potential of more than 25 MW.
In September 2010 there was potential of 4433 MW being produced. Installed potential will reach 4000 MW by the end of the year.
The largest potential of Wind Energy that has not been explored yet is pooled in the Northern and Central regions of the country (Santarém, Guarda, Lisboa, Aveiro, Bragança, Guarda, Coimbra, Vila Real, Castelo Branco).
The INETI – (National Institute of Energy, Technology and Innovation) prepared an Atlas of Wind Energy in Portugal. Since 1985 the results of all wind measurements are available for a small fee from the INETI.
Currently there are no measurements for “offshore” Wind Energy.
The main barrier to investing in Renewable Energies area (particularly Wind and Solar Energy) consists of administrating processes such as the registration and licensing of projects and the limited capacity of interconnections to the power supplier (lack of feed-in points).
EDP (Electricity of Portugal) is a major producer of Electric Energy from Wind Energy Sources with an installed potential of more than 600 MW.
Until today as regards the Solar Energy market, there have been more than 6000 systems of photovoltaic installed with a potential of 200 MW for future growth of 175 MW a year. (Licences issued for 75 2 MW photovoltaic parks and 25 MW for micro production).
The guaranteed charge by the government for micro production (microgeração) with power rating equal or less 3,68 kW is between 0,40 €/kWh (for first period of 8 years) and 0,24€/kWh (for second period of 7 years) over 15 years. (DL nº 118 - A/2010).
It is forecast that Solar Thermal Energy will be a source of renewable energy growth in Portugal over the next 10 years. The area already exceeds 500.000 m2 and to reach the target, of 1.7000.000 m2, established by ENE 2020 (Strategic Energy Program) there are still to be 120.000 m2 installed per year.
Solar Energy Investments are promoted by a special government program.
Charges for producing electricity from Renewable Energy Sources in Portugal are one of the most expensive in the whole market of the community. The following chart shows the conclusion:
Remuneration (Average - €/MWh) | Up to 5 MW | Up to 10 MW | |||
Wind | |||||
Hydropower | |||||
Photovoltaics | |||||
Solar thermic | |||||
Photovoltaics micro production <= 3,68 kW | |
Source: DGEG | |||||
(General Directorate of Energy & Geology) |
Portugal disposes of vast offshore resources in the coastal regions. Until now there are no projects known concerning Offshore-Wind Farms.
There are pilot projects of an English company in Óbidos, which uses wave energy for electric energy. The company EDPR – “EDP Environmental Energy” who belongs to the Group EDP, develops “Offshore” Projects together with an English syndicate in front of the Scottish coast
Gert Peuckert
September 2010